Classic Nick Wiki

Danger Mouse was a British animated series on Nickelodeon in the 1980s starring a private investigator mouse as he attempts to thwart crime. It was a direct parody of the James Bond films. The series also spawned a spinoff, Count Duckula. Certain episodes were split into five parts, with a different part shown each week. Each part was five minutes. Full episodes were eleven minutes.

The show was created at Cosgrove Hall in Britain, also known for creating the animated film The Wind in the Willows.

Beginning with season three the intro was abridged.


  • Danger Mouse- The protagonist and a parody of James Bond. Always seen with an eyepatch for unknown reasons.
  • Penfold- DM's timid sidekick
  • Colonel K- DM's somewhat absent-minded chief
  • Silus Greenback- DM's devious adversary and the main villain of the series. Features a raspy voice and always wears jewelry and has a cat to pet.
  • Narrator- provides somewhat humorous updates and analyses of the show


The show is available on DVD.


  • A Halloween special of the popular internet cartoon series Homestar Runner features character The Cheat dressing up as Penfold from Danger Mouse.
  • In one episode Penfold gets nervous and DM tells him "Shaken, not stirred", a reference to how Bond likes his martini.